栢特师留学生写作辅导Commentary: We are asking wrong questions about driverless car


Commentary: We are asking wrong questions about driverless car


Of recent, many readers reveal their concerns about the possibility that driverless car or self-driving car will ultimately replace human drivers and take over their jobs. So does it mean that it is another signal that human beings position will be challenged by this new technology breakthrough? In my opinion, it is unlikely the case. It is true that many people may worry that their jobs may be taken over by AI technologies but they seldom notice the profits that AI may bring to us.


UK Telegraph shows that the average time equivalent moms spend driving kids around is 15 days per year. There is 4.3 years average a person will spend driving in his whole lifetime. In this sense, driverless car is not just replacing human beings but rather liberating them from robotic actions. People could invest their time in other meaningful activities. In addition, driverless car will promote smart mobility options such as car-sharing. By 2021, Ann Arbor will become the first American city with a shared fleet of networked and driverless cars. Automakers such as Mercedes-Benz realizes that they do not just produce cars but rather enable mobility. People will share specialized vehicles for varying use. Ultimately, people will live longer and healthier. Popular Science states that nearly 1,060 people are injured daily in car crashes due to distract driving in the U.S. Over 1.3 million die of crashes in the world. But driverless cars are at least 10 times safer. It is because self-driving cars have been installed with prestigious auto-detecting sensors and other equipment which effectively avoid collisions.


It might be true that many people express their worry that driverless car and other AI technologies are threatening peoples life but why not look at it the other way round. Driverless cars bring us more blessings than curses. The autonomous vehicles will be one of the greatest technological developments of the next few decades, if not all time and it will profoundly change our life in the near future. 

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