栢特师留学生写作辅导PEST Cultural analysis


China has long been criticized for the problem of gender inequality and discrimination. According to the Hofstedes cultural dimension model, Chinese society is known for its strict patriarchal and hierarchical order. Very often, the social status of females are much lower than their male counterparts. Gender stratification, for instance, is commonly found in the workplace. Even some women are allowed to be employed in the job market. It is difficult for them to receive equal pay. Gender discrimination is also very common. For instance, women are used to be regarded as biologically inferior or incompetent in industries such as delivery service. It is largely because men are believed to be physically stronger than women when delivering food or parcels for customers. However, according to Xinhuas article, it seems that the situation is getting better in recent years(Xinhua, 2018). There are more women couriers who are recruited in the delivery or logistic industry. In this essay, a short PEST cultural analysis will be conducted to address this cultural issue.


Politically, even though the central and local government of China claim to promote gender equality, it seems that the problem of gender stereotype is still very rampant. For instance, according to Newsdeeply, Sichuan government is encouraging women to be well-trained and socially favorable. Women are learning virtue and wisdom and traditional skills such as knitting in New Era Womens school. in this sense, the general political environment does not avoid women being excluded from stereotyped roles. Therefore, it surprises the common public that women are employed in the courier service.


Economically, Chinese women are generally underpaid as compared with male employees. As the aforementioned, this problem is called gender stratification. According to the South China Morning Post, Chinese women earn a fifth less than men and the gap is widening(Zheng, 2019).


Socio-culturally speaking, Chinese women are suffering from the problem of media enculturation of distorted values when they are very young. For instance, women need to be slim or have fine body shape in order to be socially favorable. Besides, women are inculcated stereotypical values such as biological inferiority. For instance, Chinese women are mentally stressed about losing weight. Some even suffers from malnutrition in order to have fine body shape(Telegraph, 2015).


Technologically, Chinese women are still barred from accessing advanced technology. According to technode, women has very less opportunities for career or business development(Technode2018). It is largely because women have to spend time with kids instead of learning new skills. As a result, there are very few female entrepreneurs as compared with males. It is also very common that women receive much less educational resources or training. It is largely due to the stereotypical mindset that women have to put more focuses on taking care of their family members.


After conducting this very short PEST cultural analysis, it is not difficult to observe that gender inequality, discrimination and stratification are still a major problem in Chinese society. Even though it is a good signal that women are employed in courier services, there is still a long journey for womans social status to be significantly improved in China.










Telegraph (2015). Why China's 'fat' women refuse to sweat it out in the gym Retrieved from:https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/why-chinas-fat-women-refuse-to-sweat-it-out-in-the-gym/

Technode (2018). Despite gains, gender inequality still a bug for Chinas tech world Retrieved from: https://technode.com/2019/03/08/women-china-tech-interviews/



Newsdeeply(2018). Chinese Government Pushes Harmful Gender Roles Onto Leftover Women. Retrieved from:https://www.newsdeeply.com/womensadvancement



Xinhua(2018). Across China: Women couriers draw attention amid e-commerce boom Retrieved from:http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-03/08/c_137025260.htm

Zheng, Y.,(2019). Chinese women earn a fifth less than men and the gap is widening fast, survey by online recruiter Boss Zhipin finds. South China Morning Post

        Retrieved from:https://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/2188933/chinese-women-earn-fifth-less-men-and-gap-widening-fast



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